Monday, May 4, 2009

1. American Eel-Anguilla rostrata
a. Small snake like body, scales appear absent, lacking pelvic fins, has a jaw

2. Banded Sculpin-Cottus carolinae
a. Brown/Black saddles, mottled chin, dorsal fins not connected at base

3. Redline Darter-Etheostoma rufilineatum
a. Cream color caudal fin base, black dashes on cheek and opercle, black edges on 2nd dorsal caudal and anal fin, pointed snout

4. Smallmouth Bass- Micropterus dolomieu
a. Confluent dorsal fin, not as deep bodied as Lepomis or Ambloplites, black spot on operculum, mouth doesn't extend past eye, white margin on caudal fin(appears in juveniles of smallmouth but not in largemouth)

5. Bigeye Chub-Hybopsis amblops
a. Diamond shaped scales, small mouth, barbel in corners of mouth, black stripe along side and on mouth, large eye.

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